WrapR Mouse handling

In Wrap-R the mouse behaviour sometimes depends on the mode and the window (UV window or 3D window). Below we summarize the mouse usage.

Mode Mouse Action
UV Select Left button
  • Clicking a UV point selects it.
  • Clicking anywhere else in the window deselects all UV points except the pinned ones.
  • Holding down and dragging draws a selection box. Releasing it selects all UV points in the box.
  • Holding down CTRL key while selecting adds to the selection.
  • Holding down both SHIFT + CTRL key while selecting subtracts from selection.
  • Holding down SHIFT key while selecting toggles the selected point(s) selected state.
  • Double clicking a UV point selects all UV points of the UV island.
UV Move Left button
  • Dragging the mouse while holding down moves the selected UVs
  • Holding down CTRL key while moving locks the V coordinate allowing only horizontal movement.
  • Holding down SHIFT key while moving locks the V coordinate allowing only vertical movement.
  • Holding down ALT key snaps the selected UV to the closest grid point depending on grid settings.
Edge Select Left button
  • Clicking an edge it selects it.
  • Clicking a UV point selects all the edges originating from that UV point.
  • Clicking anywhere else in the window deselects all edges.
  • Holding it and dragging draws a selection box. Dragging from top-left to bottom-right only edges with both of their endpoints in the box are selected. Dragging from the bottom-left to the top-right all edges with their part in the box are selected.
  • Holding down CTRL key while selecting adds to the selection.
  • Holding down both SHIFT + CTRL key while selecting subtracts from selection.
  • Holding down SHIFT key while selecting toggles the selected point(s) selected state.
Any Middle button
  • UV window: Pans the camera to the direction the mouse is dragged while held down.
  • UV window: With SHIFT key is held down pans the camera.
  • 3D window: Rotates the 3D model.
Any Right button
  • Opens the context menu.
  • When SHIFT key is held down pans the camera. Applies to both UV and 3D windows.
Any Wheel Zooms the view. Applies to both 3D and 2D windows.